Fields in bold are required. Please carrefully type all information to avoid spelling errors on the program booklet.
Please specify the first name followed by the family name for each presenter.
Remark:In the texts to be appeared in the advance and final program booklet and on the web site of ECOOP 2001 you can use the following format tags (for bold, lists, etc.):
You must separate paragraphs with a blank line and use '\' before an < (to avoid confusion with the first character of a format tag) and before an '\'.
These lines of text will be included in the advance and final program booklet, and on the web site of ECOOP 2001.
Who should attend this tutorial? How will the participants benefit from attending?
If the tutorial has been given before, please include the first 5 pages of your handouts.
If the tutorial is new, it would still be useful to include a few sample slides that let the committee judge the expected quality of the presentation.