Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages

June 18, 2001

While OO has become ubiquitous for design, implementation, and even conceptualization, many practitioners recognize the need for other programming paradigms, according to problem domain. We seek answers to the question of how to address the need for other programming paradigms in the general context of OO languages.

Can OO programming languages effectively support other programming paradigms? The tentative answer seems to be affirmative, at least for some paradigms; for example, significant progress has been made for the case of functional programming in C++. Additionally, several efforts have been made to integrate support for other paradigms as a front-end for OO languages (the Pizza language, extending Java, is a prominent example).

This workshop seeks to bring together practitioners and researchers in this developing field to 'compare notes' on their work--that is, to describe techniques, idioms, methodologies, language extensions, software, or supporting theoretical work for expressing non-OO paradigms in OO languages. Work-in-progress descriptions are welcome, as are 'experience' papers if they present a lesson to be learned.

Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

An overall summary of the workshop will be published in the ECOOP'2001 Workshop Reader. In addition, full papers will be published as an issue of the NIC (John von Neumann Institute for Computing) series, distributed at the workshop, and also made available at the MPOOL 2001 WWW site.

For those requiring justification for travel the organizers can provide official letters of invitation.


Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts in PDF or postscript. Any common encoding (MIME or uuencode) or compression (zip, gzip) is acceptable. Authors of accepted papers are responsible for submitting the final version using the Springer LNCS LaTeX template by May 15, to ensure prompt printing of the proceedings. Submission and email correspondence to



This workshop is a joint organization by Los Alamos National Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, and John von Neuman Institute for Computing.