The participants are divided into three categories. First, it is possible to submit a (3-8 page) extended abstract on a specific topic, and give a 30 minutes presentation at the workshop. Second, a PhD student may submit a one-page abstract of their PhD project, and give a 15 minutes talk. Finally, last-minute participants may contribute with a short and informal oral presentation of their research.
The program committee is essentially composed of PhD students and young researchers with a strong background on some area of object-orientation. The review process is not designed to select the few very best papers, but to ensure that every participant is able to present some relevant material, and is well prepared.
At its 11th edition, the PhDOOS workshop has become an established annual meeting of PhD students in object-orientation. The main objective of the workshop is to offer an opportunity for PhD students to meet and share their research experiences, to discover commonalities in research and studentship, and to foster a collaborative environment for joint problem-solving. PhD students from both industry and academia are encouraged to attend in order to ensure a broad, unconfined discussion. Senior researchers are also welcomed during the plenary sessions, as they may provide insightful viewpoints and advices to the PhD participants.
The workshop also aims at strengthening the international Network of PhD Students in Object-Oriented Systems (PhDOOS). Initiated during the 1st edition of this workshop series at ECOOP'91, this network counts approximately 125 members from all over the world. There is a mailing list and a WWW site, used mainly for information and discussion on OO-related topics.
The workshop sessions cover a broad range of subjects related to object-orientation, including but not restricted to: languages, semantics, conceptual modeling, applications, distribution, databases, patterns, frameworks, metrics, reuse, testing, graphics, user interfaces, and numerics.
The workshop is divided into plenary sessions and subgroup discussion sessions. The subgroups will be formed before the workshop, based on the research interests of the participants. At the workshop, the main part of the technical programme consists of presentations and subgroup discussions. Results and summaries from the subgroup discussions will be presented at a plenary session.
The plenary session will also feature two to three invited speakers talking about the interesting research hot-spots, personal experiences, research methodology, etc. These could be an unique opportunity to hear or ask things not discussed elsewhere, and to have an "unplugged" discussion with a well-known personality of our field.
[Last year, there was one invited speaker: Yossi Gil (Technion Institute of Technology, Israel). If the names of the invited speakers for this new edition are known by the time of the CFP, we would announce it here.]
Last year AITO and Object Technology contributed funding which enabled the participation of some persons who would not afford to participate otherwise; if it is possible to repeat this arrangement with these or other organizations, we would announce all the details here.
To participate, you should make sure that you have an updated abstract entry in the PhDOOS network database. If you are not a member of the network, please send a one-page (500 words) abstract of your research, as described below. If you are already a member, consider renewing your abstract. You can apply for a short (15 minute) presentation of your research based on the abstract alone. You can additionally submit a (3-8 page) extended abstract for review, and give a longer (30 minute) talk. The purpose of the extended abstract is to provide an overview of a particular aspect of your work, but it is probably also a good place to present some unusual and thought-provoking statements in order to ensure a lively discussion. Abstracts and position papers should be submitted to Gilles Ardourel ( They will be made available on the workshop www pages,
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