The Java 2 Enterprise Edition platform (J2EE) - with its technologies JSP, Servlets, EJB, and JDBC - is rapidly becoming a popular platform for developing business software. Developers are interested in its portability, features, and a good range of vendors that support its standards. However it is still new technology and everyone is still learning about how best to use it. ThoughtWorks have a taste for the bleeding edge and over the last year or so they've been building a few serious J2EE systems for their clients. As a result we've learned first hand some important lessons about using this technology. In this talk we'll go over the decisions, patterns, and pitfalls you'll run into if you're looking to build a J2EE system. We'll discuss various server architectures for J2EE, how (and whether) to use Entity Beans, communication between client and server, remote interfaces, alternative client UIs, and database integration.
Architects and software developers.
Required experience:
Attendees should have a working knowledge of Java.
Presenter's profile:
Martin Fowler is the Chief Scientist for ThoughtWorks, Inc., an Internet professional services provider specializing in the deliver of highly strategic B2B e-Commerce solutions. As an independent consultant he's spent over a decade applying object technology to business information systems mentoring clients in business object development, analysis and design techniques, UML, Refactoring, lightweight development processes, and the use of patterns. He is the author of Analysis Patterns, Refactoring, Planning Extreme Programming, and the award winning UML Distilled.